منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية

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منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
ماما هنا
ماما هنا
مشرفة عامة القسم الدينى و الأسرة
انثى عدد المساهمات : 9179
نقاط : 48974
تاريخ التسجيل : 20/04/2011
فاعلة خير لوجه الله

اللغة الأنجليزية – unit 16 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Qdrat-efa7e62834

اللغة الأنجليزية – unit 16 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Empty اللغة الأنجليزية – unit 16 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

الأحد 6 مارس 2016 - 10:33
اللغة الأنجليزية – unit 16 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

Finding Work

Unit 16 

ambitiousطًمُوحapplicantمتقدم (لوظيفة مثلا)
ambitionnطموحapplicationطلب التحاق
conscientiousمُجد ومجتهد في عمله / حي الضميرCV = curriculum vitaeالسيرة الذاتية
(well) establishedذات مكانة مرموقة / موجودة لفترة طويلةpharmacyصيدلية
sociable اجتماعيwell-organisedمنظم جدا
achievementانجازfluentطًلِق / فصيح  (في لغة)
moduleوحدة دراسية / جزء من مقرر دراسيneighbourhoodمنطقة سكنية / سكان المنطقة
neighbourlyودود / مُعِينfluentlyبطلاقة
modular degreeدرجة أو شهادة في جزء من مقرر دراسيskilfulماهر
a job interviewمقابلة للحصول علي وظيفةobvious errorsأخطاء واضحة
formallyبشكل رسميsales experienceخبرة في المبيعات
reputationسمعةreputableحسن السمعة
financial donationsتبرعات ماليةthe medical professionمهنة الطب
appointmentموعد / تعيينday-care centreمركز لرعاية الأطفال أو كبار السن
gradeدرجة / مرتبة / صف دراسيtrainee accountantمحاسب متدرب
hard skillsمهارات مكتسبة (بالتدريب والدراسة)personal skillsمهارات شخصية
hire = employيوظفa bonusعلاوة (للموظفين)
a paid holidayأجازة مدفوعة الأجرsick leaveأجازة مرضية
salaryمرتبpart-time jobوظيفة مؤقتة
full-time jobوظيفة دائمةgo bankruptيُفلس
make profitsيحقق أرباحاcustomer serviceخدمة العملاء
personnel managerمدير شئون العاملينnatural talentموهبة طبيعية
desirableمرغوبhealth professionalsالعاملين في مجال الصحة
the general publicعامة الجمهورenquiriesاستفسارات
experience with computersخبرة في التعامل مع الكمبيوترrepresentativeمندوب / ممثل
personal detailsتفاصيل شخصيةtechnical skillsمهارات فنية
language skillsمهارات اللغةinterestsاهتمامات / ميول
the Nile Deltaدلتا نهر النيلactivityنشاط
place of residenceمحل الإقامةacademic qualificationsمؤهلات علمية
certificateشهادةtemporizeيماطل (في اتخاذ قرار أو إبداء رأي)
vacancyوظيفة خالية / غرفة خاليةpractical skillsمهارات عملية
mental abilitiesالقدرات العقليةambition (n)الطُموح
basic / essential skillsمهارات أساسيةmoraleالروح المعنوية
undermine the economyيُقوض / يضعف الاقتصادdeadlineالموعد النهائي
converselyبشكل مضاد أو معكوسstubbornعنيد
pharmaceutical companyشركة أدويةcontactاتصال / يتصل بـ
annihilateيُبيد / يُفنيacquireيكتسب

Translation Words

apply modern technology

يطبق التكنولوجيا الحديثة

economic sanctions against

عقوبات اقتصادية ضد

a fluent speaker

متحدث طلق

communication skills

مهارات الاتصال

critical thinking skills

مهارات التفكير النقدي

the voice of conscience

صوت الضمير

prick of conscience

تأنيب الضمير

public amenities

المرافق العامة

obvious contradiction

تناقض واضح

menial work

عمل وضيع

current job

الوظيفة الحالية

previous job

الوظيفة السابقة

a permanent job

وظيفة دائمة

a temporary job

عمل مؤقت

career opportunities

فرص عمل

a contract of employment

عقد عمل

a rise in salary

زيادة في المرتب

above average

فوق المتوسط

below average

أقل من المتوسط

business hours

ساعات العمل

multinational company

شركة متعددة الجنسيات

reduced prices

أسعار مخفضة

fall vacant

تصبح شاغرة (للوظيفة)

social interaction

تفاعل اجتماعي

social disease

مرض اجتماعي

constructive criticism

نقد بنَاء

constructive role

دور بنَاء

destructive impact

تأثير مدمر

creative ideas

أفكار إبداعية

revolutionary ideas

أفكار ثورية


Home address           : 33 Beiram El Tonsy St, Bahary, Alexandria, Egypt

Contact Phone          : 102034800405

E-mail                        : sadek.salabi@univ.alex.cdu.

DOB                             : 17/05/1985

Nationality                : Egyptian

EDUCATION             : 2004-2008 University of Alexandria-  BA Business Studies – Grade-   very good. Special project

  Future of the Nile Delta

2001 – 2004    : English secondary school, Alexandria GSEC 96%


July 2009 – present     Trainee accountant. City Bank, Cairo.


Academic       : 2008 – Prize for highest grade in finance module

  2004 – Special award for English language

Sports           : University Football Club – Captain of first team.

(Other activities: Charily work in home neighbourhood – in day-care centre for older people (two afternoons).


IT                     : Computing Grade 5 – Experience in using Microsoft Office (Word and Excel

Languages     : Fluent in English. A little spoken Spanish and French


Sports              : Football, squash, athletics

Travel             : I enjoy meeting people from other countries.

(I have travelled in Europe and Australia. My ambition is to visit the Far East (China and Japan

Tape Script


Interviewer  : Good morning, Mr Farag. Please sit down

Mr Farag       : Thank you.

Interviewer: First of all, thank yon for sending us your CV. I see you have a degree in biology and chemistry from Alexandria University?

Mr Farag       : That’s right.

Interviewer : And you’re twenty-five years old. Do you have a driving licence?

Mr Farag     : Yes, I do. I passed my test last year.

Interviewer: What have you been doing since you left university?

Mr Farag      : I’ve been working as a sales assistant in my uncle s pharmacy.

Interviewer: I see, so you have ‘some sales experience. I wonder if you could tell me why you’re leaving your untied company.

Mr Farag        : Yes, of course. I should start by saying that I have gained a lot of useful experience working for my uncle, hut I ‘m quite ambitious and I ‘d like to travel round in my job and visit other places.

؟Interviewer: Good. Does your uncle know you’re trying to find another job

Mr Farag      : Yes, he does. He encourages me to look for jobs.

Interviewer: Good. And why do yon want to work for us?

Mr Farag      : My uncle’s told me that yours is an established company with a very good reputation in the medical profession.

Interviewer :  That’s right.

Mr Farag       :  My uncle has sold your products for many years and has never had any problems with them.

Interviewer:  And why do you think you’d be good at the job?

Mr Farag       : Well, I’ve always been a conscientious worker and I ‘in a sociable person, so I’ll enjoy meeting and talking to customers. I ‘m also well organised, so I’d always make sure I arrived on time for appointments.

؟Interviewer:  Now at the moment, you’re living with your parents in Nasr City. How would you feel if we asked you to work in another part of the country

Mr Farag      : That’d be no problem. If were given the job, it wouldn’t matter to me where I was living and working

Interviewer: Fine. Thank you very much for your time, Mr Farag

We have your telephone number and e-mail address at the pharmacy. I’ll contact you on Saturday morning to let you know the result of this interview

Mr Farag      : Thank you very much. Goodbye

Interviewer: Goodbye


  Language Notes

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apply for (a job / a visa)يتقدم بطلب للحصول عليwork in a jobيعمل في وظيفة
a long way fromعلي مسافة بعيدة منrelevant toمتصل بـ / ملائم لـ
focus onيركز عليbe in existenceيكون موجودا
paper shopمحل بيع الصحفscore excellentيحصل علي تقدير امتياز
deal withيتعامل مع / يتناول  ( موضوع )have access toيمكنه الحصول على أو الوصول إلي..
compete againstيتنافس ضدhave a good command ofلديه إلمام جيد بـ
care aboutيهتم بـget into universityيلتحق بالجامعة
reply toيرد عليan interview with someoneمقابلة مع شخص
make for = head forيتجه إليan interview for (something)مقابلة من أجل ..
make outيري أو يسمع أو يفهم شيء بصعوبةget on withينسجم مع أو يكون علي علاقة جيدة
do a (history) project   يقوم بإعداد بحث أو دراسة في موضوع معينwork experienceخبرة العمل
carry out a project   ينفذ مشروع  ( تجاري / صناعي ، مثلا)make up forيُعوض


Choose the correct answer

The hospital is looking for ……….. young people to train.
( readable – searchable – sociable – survivable )
Ali is the most ……………… student in the class. He works hard and cares about what he does.
( consensus – dangerous – conscientious – pernicious )
When they are applying for a job, some people start their …………….. with personal details.
( B.Sc. – AD – DVD – CV )
Our school is very …………..……… The staff and students are always on time.
( sterilized – organised – despised – devised )
Our family has a well- …………….. business. It was started by my grandfather in 1935.
( attached – detached – talented – established )
I need some medicine. Is there a/an …………………….. near here.
( bakery – pharmacy – grocery – embassy )
If you want them to interview you for the job, send them your …………….. .
( BA – CV – WC – BC )
You are the most …………… person I know. You never forget anything and you are never late.
( well-established – well-organised - well-behaved – well-dressed )
My uncle was always ………………… . He was always looking for a better job.
( conscientious – jealous – envious – ambitious )
need any medicine, there is a …………………. in the village.
( chemistry – pharmacy – privacy – policy )

My bank is an ……………… company. It has been in business for over 100 years.
( abandoned – accomplished – established – attended )
The company received over 100 CVs from interested …………………. .
( applicants – employers – bosses – managers )
My brother is more ……………… than me. He gets on with everyone he meets.
( ambitious – selfish – sociable – unreliable )
She doubts whether she’ll ever be able to fulfil her ………………… .
( ambition – ammunition – addiction – animation )
Tim has applied …………………. join the navy.
( in – with – for – to )
He was considered to be stubborn, selfish and ……………….. as a child.
( tolerant – unsociable – cooperative – punctual )
We get ……………. with all our neighbours. Everyone is so friendly.
( on – off – away – in )
Karim is the most …………….. player in our team. He plays so well.
( delightful – passive – forgetful – skilful )
The people in this part of town are always very ………………., especially if someone needs help.
( adventurously – aimlessly – neighbourly – cleverly )
[list="text-align: left;"]

Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly


fter a few years, he became very scornful  at drawing.       skillful


How many jobs had you replied for before you were offered this one?   applied

Mona has always been an ambiguous and hard-working manager.  ambitious

Some research has shown that people without brothers and sisters tend to be less searchable. sociable

Do you have any experiment of working with kids? experience

They live in a wealthy motherhood of New York. neighbourhood

I want to work with a well economized team. organised

The intruder asked me some very difficult questions. I don’t think I’ll be accepted for the job. interviewer


Direct & Indirect speech المبـاـشر و غيـر المباشـر      

اللغة الأنجليزية – unit 16 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  42


Find the mistakes and write the sentences correctly:

She asked him what had he been doing since he left school.
She said me why I wanted to work abroad.

He asked me weather she had a driving licence.

She wanted to know if had he taken the money.

?The boys said to me , ” Where I do live  “

She said that she watches TV.

He wanted to know if she enjoys swimming.

She asked him why did heleave his last job.

She wanted to know unless he was planning to join university the following year.

He asked me whether I think I would enjoy working there.

She didn’t know why did I borrow the money.

Choose the correct answer

She asked me where ………………….. at that time.
a- was I living                  b- I were living           c- I was living                        d- was I living

She asked me why ………………….. for that job.
a- applied                                    b- had I applied         c- I had applied         d- did I apply

The interviewer asked Peter where ……………………………. .
a- he had studied                        b- did he study          c- how did he study d- had he studied

They asked me how long ……………………. in Cairo.
a- I had been working    b- did I work               c- was I working        d- had I been working

John is too young ………………… take driving lessons. He’s only 13.
a- that                               b- to                            c- as                            d- so

He wanted to know ………………… she was married.
a- what                             b- whether                 c- unless                    d- weather


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