منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية

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منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

اذهب الى الأسفل
ماما هنا
ماما هنا
مشرفة عامة القسم الدينى و الأسرة
انثى عدد المساهمات : 9179
نقاط : 48974
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/04/2011
فاعلة خير لوجه الله

اللغة الأنجليزية – chapter 6 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Qdrat-efa7e62834

اللغة الأنجليزية – chapter 6 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Empty اللغة الأنجليزية – chapter 6 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

الأحد 06 مارس 2016, 18:59
اللغة الأنجليزية – chapter 6 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

The Prisoner of Zenda

Chapter 6



 make a move against

يقوم بتحرك ضد


بشكل قانوني



go hunting

يذهب للصيد



so be it

ليكن الأمر كذلك

the opposite side

الجانب المقابل

a low hill

تل منخفض

a hunting trip

رحلة صيد


أحد الأقارب

a large party of

مجموعة كبيرة من



set (him) free



لسوء الحظ



the woods



الطابق الأعلى


الطابق الأسفل







ride off

ينطلق بحصانه بعيدا









stone pipe

أنبوب من حجر



call out to

ينادي بصوت عال














Summary of Chapter Six


Rassendyll, Sapt and Fritz decided to make a move against Michael. Rassendyll trusted Marshal Strakencz to keep the future of Ruritania safe. Strakencz promised Rassendyll that he would protect Princess Flavia from the Duke. Michael’s mother was not royal and he could only legally become King if he married the Princess. Rassendyll wrote down some orders for Marshal Strakencz who noticed that Rassendyll’s writing was different from the King’s writing. Rassendyll said that his writing was different because his finger still hurt, but the truth was that he was not the real King.

                        Rassendyll returned to the palace and told Sapt and Fritz to get ready to go to Zenda. Then Rassendyll visited Flavia to tell her that he was leaving Strelsau to go hunting. Flavia blamed Rassendyll for going hunting instead of doing his duties in the capital. Rassendyll told Flavia that he was going to hunt Michael. The Princess was worried because that was very dangerous. Rassendyll told Flavia that if he didn’t come back from Zenda, she must become the Queen of Ruritania. Flavia promised to do whatever was right for Ruritania.

                        Rassendyll, Sapt, Fritz and a large party of servants and ten brave and strong gentlemen stayed at a country house (Tarlenheim) which belonged to a relative of Fritz. Rassendyll told his men that Michael had tried to kill him and that a good friend of the King’s was held prisoner in the castle and it was their job to set him free.

                        Three of Michael’s famous Six Men visited Rassendyll. The youngest and strongest of the three was Rupert Hentzau. Rupert told Rassendyll that the Duke and many of his servants had a dangerous illness, so it was best if Rassendyll and his men stayed away. Rassendyll knew that Rupert was lying.

                        Rassendyll and Fritz went to the inn where Rassendyll had stayed on his first night in Ruritania. The innkeeper’s daughter recognized Rassendyll. She apologized to him for speaking badly about him when he had stayed at the inn before as she thought he was the real King. Rassendyll said he would forgive her if she promised to help them. Rassendyll asked the innkeeper’s daughter to bring her friend Johann to the country house. She agreed. Then Rassendyll and Fritz returned to Tarlenheim.

                        Sapt told Rassendyll about an accident that happened to Bernenstein who was one of Rassendyll’s men. He went out alone in the woods. He saw three men in the trees and one of them shot him in the arm. It was clear that Michaels’s men were waiting for a chance to kill Rassendyll.

                        The next day Rupert Hentzau visited Tarlenheim alone. He had a message from Michael for Rassendyll. The Duke offered Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces, but Rassendyll refused the offer. Rupert told Rassendyll to stop pretending that he was the King as everyone knew who he was. Rassendyll was angry because Rupert spoke to him rudely. Just as Rupert was about to climb on his horse, he stopped and told Rassendyll that he wanted to shake hands with him. He came nearer to Rassendyll and suddenly stabbed him in the shoulder with his knife, then he rode off fast.  It was not a bad injury, but Rassendyll was angry at letting himself be deceived by Rupert.

                        The doctor said that Rassendyll’s arm would soon be better. The innkeeper’s daughter brought Johann to Tarlenheim. Johann knew that if Michael’s plan was successful, he would be in trouble because he knew too much. Rassendyll thought that with the right encouragement, Johann would be the perfect spy for him. Johann was a weak man, but not a wicked شرير one. He worked for Michael because he was afraid of him not because he loved him and he was happy to tell Rassendyll Michael’s secrets.

                        There were two small rooms inside the castle which could only be reached by crossing the drawbridge. The rooms were cut into the rock below the ground. One room had no windows. Behind it was a second room with a small window where the King was kept in chains. From the window, a large stone pipe led down to the castle moat. If the castle was attacked, Detchard would kill the King. Then the body would be put down the pipe and the weight of his chains would keep the body under water. After that, Detchard would escape through the pipe and swim across the moat. If the castle was attacked by a large group of soldiers, they would do the same thing, but one of the Six Men would take the King’s place. Michael would say that he was only keeping one of the Six Men as prisoner because he had been rude to Antoinette. No one would believe that the King was ever there. This meant that if Rassendyll and his men attacked the castle secretly or openly with a great army, the King would be dead before they could save him. Sapt told Rassendyll that he would still be King next year. But without proving that Michael had killed the real King, the Duke would still be there in his castle waiting for a chance to take the crown. Therefore, Rudolf Rassendyll would never be safe.

                        Johann told Rassendyll that his brother Max helped to put up the pipe to the prison window. He also said that it wasn’t easy to sleep in the castle because no one felt safe. Everyone in the castle was a criminal  مجرم except the King. Rassendyll asked Johann to go back to the castle and not to tell anyone that the King was held prisoner there. Johann would be safe as long as he kept his promises. Rassendyll believed that there were two ways in which the King could come out of Zenda alive. One was to have a miracle and the other was if one of Michael’s men betrayed him.


A. Answer these questions

؟ Rassendyll’s writing is different from the King’s. What reason does Rassendyll give? Why might this difference be a problem for Marshal Strakencz

. Rassendyll says it is because of his injured finger. It might be a problem for Strakencz because people might think the order from the King is not a real one

؟ What reason does Rassendyll give Princess Flavia for leaving Strelsau? What does he ask her to do if he doesn’t come back

. He tells her he is going to hunt a big animal — Michael. He tells her she must become Queen if he doesn’t return.

؟Where do Rassendyll and his men stay for their hunting trip?Where is it and who does it belong to

. They stay in a country house called Tarlenheim. It belongs to a relative of Fritz. It is on a hill on the opposite side of the town of Zenda from the castle.

؟ What reason does Duke Michael give for not visiting “King” Rassendyll or inviting him to his castle

. (He says that he and some servants have a serious sickness. (It is not true.

؟ Why do Rassendyll and Fritz go to the inn at Zenda? Who do they talk to there and what do they say

. They go to meet Johann (or someone who can contact him). They talk to theinnkeeper’s daughter and ask her to have Johann meet them the next night.

؟ What happens to Bernenstein while Fritz and Rassendyll are out

. He is shot in the arm while he is out in the woods.

؟ What message does Rupert Hentzau bring the next day? How does Rassendyll reply? What happens when Rupert is leaving

. The Duke offers Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and a million gold pieces. Rassendyll refuses. As Rupert is leaving, he stabs Rassendyll in the shoulder with a knife.

؟ What do they learn from Johann

. They learn where the King is being kept in the castle and the Duke’s plans.

؟Describe the room and the pipe where the real King is being kept.

 . There is an outer room with no windows. It is always guarded by three of the Six Men.The King is kept in chains in the next room. Its window has a large pipe that leads to the castle moat.

؟ What is the plan if they are attacked? How will they kill the King and what will they do with the body

. They will kill the King and then put him into the pipe. The chains will keep the body

under the water of the moat. The guards can then go out the same pipe and swim across the moat to escape.

؟Why do they send Johann back to te castle

. The Duke would look for him if he were missing. They also hope they can trust him and get more information from him.

B. Write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false statements.

Duke Michael cannot legally become King unless he marries Princess Flavia. T

 Rassendyll’s writing is different from the real King’s writing. T

 Fritz owns the country house called Tarlenheim

F – Fritz’s relative owns it

The ten brave and strong gentlemen know that Rassendyll is notthe real King. 

 F – They think he is. They know that Michael tried to kill the King (Rassendyll) and

Duke Michael visits Rassendyll at Tarlenheim..

F – He sends three of the Six Men to visit and apologize.

 The innkeeper’s daughter says that she thought Rassendyll was the King when he stayed with them. T

Johann works for the Duke because he loves him. .

 F – He works for him because he is afraid of him.

 If the Duke kills the King, he will put the body into the moat with chains on it. T

(The Castle of Zenda is a happy place.

 F – No one feels safe there because they’re all criminals (except the King

 Rassendyll thinks it will be easy to rescue the King.

 F – It will be difficult. It will need a miracle or betrayal by one of the Duke’s men


E. Read the quotations and answer the questions.

@“The writing’s a little different from your usual. I hope people know

it’s a real order from the King.”

؟Who says this to Rassendyll (the King)?

 Marshal Strakencz says this

؟ What does he think is the reason that the handwriting is different

؟What is the real reason

 He thinks it is different because the King has injured his hand. The real reason is thatRassendyll  is not the real King.

؟ Why is it important that the handwriting be the same

. So that people will know that it is a real order from the King.

@Rassendyll, I think that this time next year, you’ll still be King.”

؟Who says this

. Colonel Sapt.

؟ What has he just heard

. He has just heard the Duke’s plan for killing the King and hiding the body.

؟ Why does he think Rassendyll will still be King after a year

. Because the Duke’s plan is very clever and he will kill the King whether he is attacked

by a small group or a large one.

D. Match each name in A with its description in B.

1. Bernenstein               c. is shot by the Duke’s men while in the woods

2. Hentzau                    e. stabs Rassendyll in the shoulder

3. innkeeper’s daughter      a. gets a message to Johann

4. Johann                      f. tells about the Duke’s plans

5. Max                     b. helps to put up the pipe to the prison window

1 – c

 2 – e

3 – a

4 – f

5 – b

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