منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية

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منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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انثى عدد المساهمات : 9179
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تاريخ التسجيل : 21/04/2011
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انجليزى – unit 15 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016 Qdrat-efa7e62834

انجليزى – unit 15 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016 Empty انجليزى – unit 15 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

الأربعاء 03 فبراير 2016, 00:38
انجليزى – unit 15 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

The future of books

Read the following passage carefully:


In Ancient Egypt, a type of tall grass called papyrus, which grew in the Nile valley, was used for writing and drawing on. Before it could be used, the leaves of the grass were soaked in water, pressed together and then dried in the sun.

The first real paper was made by the Chinese two thousand years ago. In the eighth century, Arab travellers who traded with China learned how to make it, too. At first, paper was very expensive because it was made from cotton, but later it was produced from wood and so became much cheaper.

To make paper from wood, logsare broken into small pieces which are then mixed with chemicals and bleached. Water is removed from the mixture, which then passes through hot rollers to produce continuous pieces of dry paper.

Every year, millions of trees are cut down to make new paper Fortunately, the type of tree that gives us the best wood for making paper grows very quickly, but old paper can also be recycled. Most of today’s newspapers and magazines are made from recycled paper.

For hundreds of years, an enormous quantity of paper has been used to produce books, especially very large books like encyclopedias. Now, encyclopedias and other books can be put onto CD-ROMs: special computer disks which can hold huge amounts of information. Sound and pictures can also be put on CD-ROMs.

Many people think that soon everybody will have a computer and we will get all our information from the internet or from CD-ROMs. They believe that public libraries will no longer be needed and that printing will become part of history.




enthusiastic about (adj.)

متحمس بشأن


جهاز صغير

paperback (book)

(كتاب) ذو غلاف ورقي



bleach (v)

يُبُيض / يجعل لونه أبيض


موسوعة / دائرة معارف


خليط / مزيج

press (v)

يضغط / يكوي (الملابس)

Recycle (v)

يُعيد استخدام


بكرة أو اسطوانة (تستخدم في ضغط الأشياء)

soak (v)

ينقع أو يغمر في سائل


إعادة الاستخدام


توافر / إتاحة

enthusiast (n)

(شخص) متحمس


حماس / تحمس


يدور / يلف / يسوي

an electronic book

كتاب الكتروني

e-book reader

جهاز لقراءة الكتب



disappear completely

يختفي تماما


علامة تجارية


ورق البردي


قطع من الخشب


مواد كيميائية

enormous quantity

كمية هائلة

compact disk

قرص مضغوط


ضخامة / فداحة


كساد اقتصادي


عقبة / عائق

Turning point

نقطة تحول

a stumbling block

عقبة / عائق / حجر عثرة

a common type

نوع شائع

agricultural production

الإنتاج الزراعي

industrial production

الإنتاج الصناعي



a range of books

مجموعة متنوعة من الكتب


يُعدل / يتأقلم



go wrong



ناعم / أملس / مصقول


الأدوات الكتابية


قائمة الطعام


لف / تغليف


منشورات / نشرة مطبوعة


كتيب به صور أو معلومات عن مُنتج






يثابر / يستمر في عمل شيء برغم الصعوبات




يدعُم / يؤيد


(يقطع (الأشجار


 Prepositions and Expressions:


roll in

يتدفق بكميات كبيرة

roll up


cut down trees

يقطع الأشجار

cut down prices

يقلل الأسعار

work for a charity

يعمل لدي مؤسسة خيرية

take up a lot of space

تشغل حيزا كبيرا

keep up with

يواكب / يساير

work for the common good

يعمل للصالح العام

bring someone round

يعيد شخص إلي وعيه

make way for

يُخلي المكان أو الطريق لـ


Language Notes

fit    (يناسب (من حيث المقاس                suit   (يناسب (من حيث الشكل        match     (يتماشي مع (للأشياء

● That jacket fits you perfectly.

● That blue shirt suits you. You look nice in it.

  • Does this shirt match these trousers?

together = with each other   معا / سويا                     altogether = completely   تماما

  • You mix all the dry ingredients together before you add the milk.

  • It’s all right working with him, but living with him would be a different matter altogether.

trade with    يتاجر مع                               trade in   (يتاجر في (سلعة معينة

  • India began trading with Europe in the 15th and 16th centuries.

  • The company has been trading in oil for many years.

later    فيما بعد / في وقت لاحق        (the) latter = the second   الشيء أو الشخص) المذكور ثانيا)

  • Later that month we got another letter from them asking for more money.

  • She offered me more money or a car and I chose the latter.


¨Have = have got = own  يملك

   · I have a car = I have got a car.

   · Do you have a car ? = Have you got a car?

   · I don’t have a car. = I haven’t got a car.


¨في الماضي نستخدم had  للتعبير عن الملكية :

  · I had a car when I was in London.

¨نستخدم will have   للتعبير عن الملكية في المستقبل:

  · I will have a computer next week.

¨تستخدم have   فقط للتعبير عن الملكية بعد  to   و الأفعال الناقصة مثل  must / should   وغيرها ولا يمكن استخدام have got  بهذا الشكل:

  • I want to have a camera.

  • I should have a lot of money to buy this car.

¨لاحظ أن  have   تستخدم بمعاني أخري غير يملك وفي هذه الحالة لا نستخدم   have got

Have a meal / have a party / have a holiday / have an accident


Exercises on Vocabulary and Language Notes

Choose the correct answer:

1-    My mother has a special (gauge – garage – gadget – garbage) for cutting vegetables.

2-    Ali is really (enthusiastic – egotistic – aquatic – fanatic) about his university course. He can’t wait for the beginning of the term.

3-    I’m going to (downtown – download – downstream – downplay) some information from the internet for my school project.

4-    The television picture is really clear. You have an enormous (steam – scream – screen – beam).

5-    This novel is not (bearable – affordable – avoidable – available) as an e-book yet, but you’ll be able to get it next year.


Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:

1-    In the near future, we will get all our information from the interrupt.                   internet

2-    He poured the lecture into four small dishes.                                                            mixture

3-    She bought a little garment for squeezing oranges.                                                 gadget

4-     To get coffee, put your money in the machine and dress the green button.          press

5-    My cousin is a football enthusiastic. He never misses a match.                          enthusiast


Future Simple Passive

Will + inf. —————— will be + PP.

  • In the future, we will produce more of our energy from wind power.

 = In the future , more of our energy will be produced from wind power.

  • Today, they will announce plans to build a new road round the city center.

 = Today, plans to build a new road round the city center will be announced.

Future Perfect Passive


¨ في المبني للمجهول يتكون هذا الزمن من :  will have been / shall have been + PP.

  • By the year 2100, we will have saved millions of trees and hundreds of forests.

 = By the year 2100, millions of trees and hundreds of forests will have been saved.


  • By 2050, they will have replaced the old building by modern offices.

 = By 2050, the old building will have been replaced by modern offices.

By the time + present simple       →      Future Perfect

  • By the time she comes back home. I’ll have finished all the exercises.

  • By the time the exam begins, I’ll have forgotten everything.


Choose the correct answer:



By next Christmas we (will be – are being – will have been – have been) here for eight years.


The builders say they (finish – will have finished – might finish – are finishing) the roof by Tuesday.


In the future, every new book will probably be (publish – publishing – published – publishes) as an e-book.


You can be sure the price (will be reduced – to reduce – is reducing – had reduced) when more people buy them.


Do you think CD-ROMs will ever (be replaced – be replacing – have replaced – replace) traditional books completely?


Find the mistakes in each of the following sentences then write them correctly:



In the future, more electricity will generate from wind power.                      Be generated



More of the music we listen to will be downloading from the internet.         downloaded


They will be published fewer traditional newspapers.                                        publish


The price of phone calls will be reducing by 50%.                                             reduced


I finish this job by 10 p.m. tomorrow.                                                             Have finished


Have + something + PP

* لاحظ استخدام have في نفس زمن الجملة :

 هذا التركيب يعني أن شخصا آخر غير الفاعل هو الذي قام بالفعل:

*  يمكن أن يأتي هذا التركيب في الأزمنة المختلفة: 


Verb “to have” in different tenses:


Present simple


Present cont.

am having/is having/are having

Present perfect

have had / has had

Past simple


Past cont. 

was having / were having

Past perfect

had had

Future simple

will have / shall have


Can / may / should / must / be going to + have

  • Did you paint the house yourself?    – No, I had it painted.

  • Is she typing  the report herself?   – No, she’s having it typed.

  • Someone had cleaned the floor for me.

       I had had the floor cleaned.

  • Someone mended her bike the other day.

 She had her bike mended the other day.

  • Someone will fix the phone for me.

    I will have the phone fixed.

 ·The photographer  is going to develop the film for them.

   They are going to have the film developed.

و يمكن استخدام get  بنفس الطريقة التي استخدمنا بها  :have

  • The barber is going to cut my hair.

    I am going to get my hair cut.

  • Someone is decorating her house.

   She is getting her house decorated.

لاحظ ما يلي:

Have + someone + inf.

Get + someone + to + inf.


  • I had the mechanic repair my car.

  • I got the mechanic to repair my car.

Reflexive Pronouns

الضمائر المنعكسة هي:


        Singular مفرد:      myself        yourself       herself    himself   itself

        Plural   جمع  :       ourselves   yourselves   themselves


يستخدم الضمير المنعكس عندما يكون المفعول و الفاعل واحد:

  • He hurt himself.                        § He bought himself a mew shirt.

  • She looked at herself in the mirror.


يستخدم الضمير المنعكس للتأكيد ويأتي إما بعد الفاعل أو بعد المفعول:

  • I myself did the job. / I did the job myself.

  • ‘Who mended your bike?’ ‘Nobody. I repaired it myself.

يستخدم الضمير المنعكس بعد by  بمعني “بمفرده ” أو “بدون مساعدة” :


 by myself  = on my own = alone / without any help


  • I went to the cinema on my own. = alone = by myself

  • Did you paint that picture on your own? = without any help = by yourself.


لا تستخدم الضمائر المنعكسة بعد حروف الجر الخاصة بالموقع أو المكان أو الاتجاه:

  • She put her bag next to her.               § She took her dog with her.


 يمكن أن نستخدم الضمائر المنعكسة بعد حروف الجر after / for / on

  • The children are old enough to look after themselves.

  • Try to depend on yourself.


يُستخدم الضمير المنعكس  oneself ليشير الي الضمير  one  بمعني المرء أو الإنسان:

  • Talking to oneself is the first sign of madness.

لاحظ الفرق بين : On his own Of his own &

on his own = alone / without help

  • My aunt lives on her own.

  • Don’t help him. Let him do it on his own.


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