منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية

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منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
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انثى عدد المساهمات : 9179
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تاريخ التسجيل : 21/04/2011
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انجليزى – Ch 4 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Qdrat-efa7e62834

انجليزى – Ch 4 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Empty انجليزى – Ch 4 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

الثلاثاء 02 فبراير 2016, 19:45
انجليزى – Ch 4 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016


When Colonel Sapt discovered that the King had been kidnapped from the hunting lodge and his servant (Josef) had been killed, he asked Rudolf Rassendyll to continue pretending to be the King so as not to give Michael the chance to take the crown. Rudolf Rassendyll thought that Sapt’s plan was too dangerous because people might realize that he was not the real King. Colonel Sapt assured Rudolf Rassendyll أكّد له that Duke Michael would not say anything because if he did, people would ask him where the real King was. Rudolf Rassendyll still had doubts as Princess Flavia thought that the King had changed. Sapt agreed that the plan was a risk, but he told Rudolf Rassendyll that if there was not a King in Strelsau, the city would belong to Michael within 24 hours. Even if the real King were dead, Rudolf Rassendyll would stay King.


  While Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll were getting ready to leave the hunting lodge, Michael’s men arrived. They had brought spades with them. They came to bury Josef’s body in order to hide their evil work. Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll fought against Michael’s men. Rudolf Rassendyll knocked one man off his horse, then hit another man with his sword. Michael’s men wanted to trap Rudolf Rassendyll but he was able to escape through a gap between the men. One of Michael’s men shot Rudolf Rassendyll and he felt a terrible pain in his finger.


  Sapt put a bandage on Rudolf Rassendyll’s finger. They arrived at a farm. The farmer was very kind. He gave them some food and allowed them to rest. Rudolf Rassendyll covered his face so as not to be recognized by anyone. He told the farmer that he had a bad tooth. Then they reached Strelsau. The streets of the


capital were quiet as most of the people were resting after the celebrations. At the palace, one of Sapt’s servants was waiting for them. His name was Freyler. Sapt told him that the King caught his finger in a door. Sapt told Freyler not to tell anyone about what he had seen. When Fritz saw Rudolf Rassendyll, he thought he was the King, so he jumped up and bowed in front of him.


  Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Sapt asked Rudolf Rassendyll to go to bed and pretend that he was asleep. A minute later Sapt came into the bedroom and introduced Rudolf Rassendyll to Princess Flavia’s servant. The Princess sent her servant to find out how the King was feeling after the coronation. Rudolf Rassendyll sent his thanks to the Princess.


    Sapt told Rudolf Rassendyll all about the King’s duties. Rudolf Rassendyll realized it was so hard to be a king and it was even harder to be a pretend king. Sapt told Rudolf Rassendyll what he ought to do and what he ought not to do and also what he should say to the many important people he had to meet during the day. Rudolf Rassendyll was very worried when he met the French ambassador because he asked him a question that he could not answer. Rudolf Rassendyll told everyone that he could not write because of his finger, so many important documents were not completed.


  Fritz believed that they should plan how to attack Michael, but Sapt and Rudolf Rassendyll thought that they should not do anything dangerous and they should wait to see what the Duke would do. Sapt believed that Michael would not kill the King because he knew that if he killed him, Rudolf Rassendyll would stay as King instead.


  Michael’s Six Men are special soldiers who Michael kept in his house at all times. They were completely loyal to him. Three of them were from Ruritania and the others were foreigners. Half of them were in Strelsau with the Duke, and the other half were at the Castle of Zenda guarding the King who was held prisoner there.


   The King (Rudolf Rassendyll) wanted to make himself popular. He wanted to stop the poor people of Strelsau from thinking badly about him. He didn’t want them to side with ينحاز الي جانب Michael if there was a fight.  Rudolf Rassendyll had a plan. He rode his horse through the park with Fritz and waved to everyone who bowed to him. He wanted the people to know that he cared about them. He did not want to be a distant King who people only heard about. He stopped to buy flowers from a poor young girl with a gold coin. This attracted the attention of a lot of people. Hundreds of people followed Rudolf Rassendyll to the Palace of Princess Flavia who was very popular with the people of Ruritania.


   Rudolf Rassendyll decided to be careful when he talked to the Princess. He did not want to say too much to her or she would realize he was not the real King. Flavia told the King (Rudolf Rassendyll) that he had completely changed since he became King. Rudolf Rassendyll told Flavia that he wanted Duke Michael to be near him because he was his half-brother. He said he and Michael needed to help and support each other. Flavia looked at him strangely because she knew that the King and Michael were not good friends as Michael wanted to take the crown.

  Michael arrived at Flavia’s palace. Rudolf Rassendyll and Flavia continued to talk. Rudolf Rassendyll didn’t realize that Michael was waiting outside as he couldn’t enter without the King’s permission. Michael was very angry as he was kept waiting. Rudolf Rassendyll apologized to Michael and told him he didn’t know he was


    waiting, otherwise he would have asked him in sooner. Rudolf Rassendyll said that his hand was hurt because an animal bit him. He meant Michael. Rudolf Rassendyll thanked Michael for the splendid coronation. He also thanked him for the great time he had had at the hunting lodge. When Michael heard that, he jumped to his feet and walked angrily to the door. Michael introduced three of his Six Men to Rudolf Rassendyll and told him that they were loyal to the King. One of the three men smiled when Rudolf Rassendyll spoke to him in English. Rudolf Rassendyll was sure that all the Six Men knew that he was not the real King.


Questions And answers


1. What does Sapt plan to do if the real King is dead?

He plans that Rassendyll will remain as King.

2. Why do Michael’s men have spades?What does it mean that they were going to “hide their evil work”?

They are going to bury Josef’s body so no one will know about his murder.

3. What does Rassendyll mean that some of those evil men should join Josef?

Rassendyll means that some of them should be killed. They should join Josef in death.

4. Why does Sapt say to the servant at the secret door “All young men like to ride their horses now and then, so why not the King?”

He wants the servant to think that the King was just out riding for fun. He doesn’t want him to know anything about where they were. Sapt says it’s best not to trust people too much.

5. Why does Rassendyll use a new servant who has never met the real King? Who is the servant replacing?

The new servant would be less likely to realise that Rassendyll is not the real King.

The servant is replacing Josef, who was killed by Michael’s men.

6. Who are the Six Men? Where are they from? Why are only three in Strelsau?

They are six special soldiers that Duke Michael keeps in his house all the time. Three are from Ruritania, one is French, one is Belgian, and one is English. Sapt and Fritz assume that if only three are in Strelsau, the other three must be guarding the King.

7. Rassendyll decides to keep some of his plans secret from Sapt and Fritz. What are those plans?

He plans to make himself as popular as he can, and not to say anything bad about Michael. This way, if there were a fight, some of the people would support him (the King) and not Michael. Michael would not become stronger this way.

8. Why does he visit the Princess? What does he do on the way? How do these things make him more popular?

He wants to get the support of the Princess (for the King). On the way he buys some flowers from a poor girl and pays with a gold coin. Giving the coin makes him look generous to the people. The people like the Princess and seem to want the King to marry her, so visiting her will make the people happy.

9. Why can’t Michael come into the room when the King is there? What mistake does Rassendyll make? How does he cover up his mistake?

Michael can’t come into the room without the King’s permission (because the King is royal and higher than Michael). Rassendyll does not know this rule, and he makes the mistake of asking why Michael will be angry (that he isn’t asked to enter the room).

He covers his mistake by saying that he keeps forgetting all the rules.

10. Rassendyll says that his hand was hurt from an animal bite and that he’s waiting to see if the bite is poisonous. He also says that he is sure the animal will try to bite again. Who is he really talking about, and who understands this?

He is really talking about Michael (his poisoning and kidnapping of the King, and his men’s shooting at Rassendyll), and Michael understands this.

11. How does Rassendyll know that the Six Men also know his secret?

He knows because of the way Detchard (the Englishman) smiles at him when he is presented to him. Rassendyll knows that if one of the Six Men knows, they will all know.

B. Write True (T) or False (F). Correct the false statements


1. The Duke’s men come to the hunting lodge to kill Sapt and Rassendyll. .

F .. They come to bury Josef’s body.

2. One of Michael’s men thinks that Rassendyll is the King.


3. Fritz thinks at first that the real King has returned.


4. Rassendyll finds the work of being a King easy.

F – He finds it difficult.

5. Fritz wants to hurry and make plans to attack Michael.


6. Rassendyll tells all of his plans to Sapt and Fritz.

F – He keeps some things from them.

7. Rassendyll wants to make Michael angry by not asking him to enter the room.

 F – He doesn’t know that Michael can’t enter without his permission.

8. Rassendyll’s hand is hurt because he was bitten by an animal.

F – He was shot in the hand, but he tells the Princess that he was bitten.

9. Rassendyll meets the Six Men.

 F – He meets only three of them.

10. Rassendyll realises that Michael’s Six Men also know that he is not the real King.


Put these events in order.The summary of the chapter in points


1. “King” Rassendyll meets some of the Six Men.

2. Rassendyll agrees to continue to pretend to be the King.

3. Duke Michael comes to the Princess’s palace.

4. Fritz sees Rassendyll and thinks he is the King.

5. “King” Rassendyll meets the French ambassador.

6. Rassendyll begins to worry about his own safety.

7. Sapt and Rassendyll attack some of the Duke’s men.

8. .Rassendyll meets with Princess Flavia.

9. Rassendyll warns Michael not to bite again.

10.  Rassendyll decides on a plan to make himself popular.

E. Read the quotations and answer the questions.


“You’re mad! The plan’s too dangerous!”

1. Who says this to whom?

Rassendyll says this to Colonel Sapt.

2. Where are they?

 They are at the hunting lodge near Zenda.

3. What is the dangerous plan?

 Sapt wants Rassendyll to continue to pretend to be the King and to return to Strelsau that night.

 “We’ve got them! They can’t say anything without showing their guilt.”

1.Who says this to whom?

Sapt says this to Rasendy ll.


2. Why does he say this?

He is trying to persuade Rassendyll to continue to be the King.


3. Who is “them”? What does the speaker mean by “We’ve got them”?

 “Them” is Duke Michael and his men. The speaker means that they have trapped the Duke and his men. The Duke can’t say anything against Rassendyll because he would have to admit that he is guilty of kidnapping the real King.

“Now remember, say nothing about this. All young men like to ride their horses now and then, so why not the King?”

1. Who says this to whom?

Sapt says this to (Freyler,) the servant waiting for them outside the secret door to the palace.


2. Where is the speaker coming from and who is with him?  

He was coming from Zenda and Rassendyll (disguised as the King) was with him.


3. Why does the speaker say this?

He doesn’t want the servant to talk about the King’s going out. He wants him to think that the King was just out riding (and enjoying himself).


D. Match each name in A with its description in B.

1. Detchard              e e. one of the Six Men, an Englishman

2. De Gautet             a a. a Frenchman, one of the Six Men

3. Bersoni                 f f. a Belgian, one of the Six Men

4. Fritz                      b b. wants to attack Duke Michael right away

5. Sapt                      c c. wants to be more cautious with Duke Michael

تكبير الصورة معاينة الأبعاد الأصلية.
انجليزى – Ch 4 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  5243


*  Johann Holf

 He works in the castle of Zenda .He is the Duke’s servant.

*  Max Holf

 He is Johann’s brother who works for Duke Michael..

*  Johann ‘s mother

  She is the woman who looks after the hunting lodge. She is the loyal to Duke    

*  Josef

  He is a servant to the king of Ruritania.

*  Freyler

 He is a servant at the king’s palace.


تكبير الصورة معاينة الأبعاد الأصلية.
انجليزى – Ch 4 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  5244

*  They are special soldiers who are loyal to Duke Michael.

*  They are three Ruritanian and three foreigners.

*  They are fearless لايخافون, ruthless بلا قلب, cruel and will not hesitate يتردد to kill.

*  They are involved in متورطين فى the kidnapping خطف of the King.

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