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منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
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انجليزى – chapter 5 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Qdrat-efa7e62834

انجليزى – chapter 5 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016  Empty انجليزى – chapter 5 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

الأحد 06 مارس 2016, 18:50
انجليزى – chapter 5 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

* Leaving Flavia’s house : مغادرة منزل فلافيا

  • Rassendyll wasn’t sorry to say goodbye to his brother, Michael, and his men, but he was sad to say goodbye to Princess Flavia. He wondered if he should tell her the truth and if he was wrong to pretend to be the King. The Princess told Rassendyll to be careful as his life meant a lot to the people of Ruritania.


* The responsibilities of a position : مسئوليات المكانة الاجتماعية

  • Rassendyll had never liked responsibilities مسئوليات. After he had become King, he had many responsibilities. He remembered يتذكر Rose’s words that a position  مكانة in society المجتمع brought with it responsibilities. He had always wanted to have a quiet life. He wasn’t used to hard work.


* Perfect pretension:  ادعاء متقن

  • Almost تقريبا nobody noticed لاحظ that Rassendyll was not the real King because he looked so like the King and he was very good at ماهر فى pretending التظاهر that he had forgotten rules قواعد or people he had met them. He hoped his growing popularity شعبية متزايدة with the people of Ruritania would help them to forgive his occasional من حين لآخر bad decisions. قرارات


* News about the king:  أخبار عن الملك

  • One day, Sapt brought Rassendyll a letter from Antoinette de Mauban and told him that the King was at the Castle of Zenda. Three of Michael’s Six men, Lauengram, Krafstein and young Rupert Hentzau, the three biggest criminals in Ruritania, were guarding the King at the Castle. The drawbridge الجسر was nearly always kept up and nobody was allowed into the building without Michael’s or Rupert’s permission.


* Warning: تحذير

  • Rassendyll wanted to go to Zenda to rescue ينقذ the King. Sapt warned حذر him that if he went there, he would probably be killed by Michael’s men. Rassendyll’s life was in danger, so Sapt ordered six men to follow him wherever حيثما he went. It would be very useful for Michael if he disappeared. And if he disappeared, the game would be over. De Gautet, Bersonin and Detchard were in Strelsau, and any one of them could catch him easily.


* A letter from Antoinette de Mauban:  خطاب من أنطوانيت دو موبان

  • In her letter, Antoinette asked Rassendyll to meet her at the summer house as she wanted to tell him something very important about his life. She asked him to come alone. If he didn’t come, his life would be in danger. She said she was a loyal friend to him. She told him not to show that letter to anyone, or it would put her in great danger: Michael would punish her. She told him to ask Sapt if he didn’t believe her.


* Doubtsشكوك 

  • Rassendyll and Sapt believed that the letter was written by Michael to trap يوقعRassendyll. Antoinette came to Ruritania with her servants as a guest of Michael. She had a great argument جدل with Michael, and she was staying somewhere in Strelsau.


* Reason for going to the summer house:  سبب الذهاب إلى المنزل الصيفي

  • Rassendyll decided قرر to go to the summer house as he believed that Antoinette might have information about Michael and the King. Every day they left the King imprisoned محبوس there was more danger. Sapt did not want Rassendyll to go there.


* Meeting Antoinette and Michael‘s plan: مقابلة أنطوانيت و خطة مايكل

  • Rassendyll and Sapt went to the summer house. Sapt waited outside the gate and Rassendyll went into the house. Antoinette told him she knew he was not the King.

  • Antoinette wrote the letter to him at the Duke’s orders أوامر. Antoinette told Rassendyll about Michael’s plan to kill him.

  • Michael planned to kill Rassendyll and take his body into the old town. The body would be found and Michael would arrest Colonel Sapt and Captain Fritz for murdering قتل Rassendyll. Then a messenger رسول would be sent to Zenda and the real King would be murdered too. The Duke would then become King.

  • Antoinette said that she wanted to help Rassendyll because she didn’t want to see people being killed. Antoinette believed that Rassendyll was never safe in the capital. Michael’s men were waiting for a chance to kill Rassendyll. She asked him to leave quickly. She would tell the Duke that he never came.


* Michael’s men and their generous offer:   رجال مايكل و عرضهم الكريم

  • Michael’s men arrived. One of Michael’s men (Detchard) offered Rassendyll a safe journey to the border and fifty thousand English pounds. Rassendyll believed it was a trick to kill him. He pretended that he had accepted the offer. He asked Detchard to open the door from the outside. He held the iron table to protect him and he rushed اندفع out of the door and knocked the three men down. He ran quickly away, firing his gun behind him and injuring أصاب Detchard’s arm. He told Sapt about the table as they jumped on their horses and rode quickly back to the palace.


* The report of the Chief of Police: تقرير رئيس الشرطة

  • Sapt read Rassendyll the latest report from the Chief of Police. The report said that Michael left the capital and went to Zenda. An hour later, three of his men De Gautet, Bersonin and Detchard, followed him. Detchard had a bandage ضمادة around his arm. The report also said that people of the capital wanted the King to marry Princess Flavia as soon as possible. If this didn’t happen, the Princess should marry Michael. A ball حفلة رقص had been held for Flavia. Rassendyll was supposed يفترض to ask the Princess to marry him. Sapt told Rassendyll to ask the Princess to marry him. Rassendyll said he couldn’t do it as it wouldn’t be fair عادل to the Princess.


* The ball:  حفلة الرقص

  • The ball was a great success. Flavia told Rassendyll that everyone said that he had done a very good job. He told her that someone once told him that a person who had a position in society had responsibilities. He also said that when he was younger, he didn’t realise that a position in society had responsibilities. He thought he didn’t need to worry about society as he believed that was someone else’s job. Flavia was surprised to hear that as she believed that Rassendyll always knew that he would become King. Rassendyll thought that he had made a mistake.

  • Instead of saying something to cover up his mistake, Rassendyll wanted to tell Flavia the truth about himself. He wanted to warn her that the situation in Ruritania was not as good as she believed it to be. He believed she should know what had happened to her future husband. Just as Rassendyll was going to tell Flavia the truth, Sapt appeared at the door and told Rassendyll that someone wanted to see him.

  • Rassendyll realised then that his game had gone too far to go back: he could not tell anyone who he really was or they would think he was mad. Sapt stopped him from saying too much to the Princess, and Sapt’s plan really was working.


* A man of principles:  رجل مبادئ

  • Rassendyll told Sapt that everyone really thought he was the King, even the Princess. He could even arrange for the Duke and the real King to be killed. But he wouldn’t do that. He also said he could not stand لا يتحمل pretending to be the king any more as it wasn’t fair for the people of Ruritania and it wasn’t fair for the Princess, either. They couldn’t wait any longer. They had to go to Zenda and rescue ينقذ the King.


* Two letters from Michael and Antoinette:  خطابين من مايكل و أنطوانيت

  • Rassendyll visited Flavia in her palace. She told him that she had received two letters. One was from Michael, who had invited her to visit Zenda. The second was from Antoinette de Mauban who warned Flavia not to accept any invitation from Michael and not to go anywhere without many guards حراس. Rassendyll told Flavia to pretend that she was ill so as not to go to Zenda.


*A visit to Marshal Strakencz: زيارة إلى المشير ستراكينتز

  • Rassendyll trusted Marshal Strakencz. He asked him to guard Princess Flavia and protect her from Michael’s men. He told him he was worried about the Duke’s ambitions طموحات. Rassendyll decided to go to Zenda to save the King. He told Marshal Strakencz that every evening, he would send him a message. If he didn’t get a message for three days, he would declare يعلن himself the head of Strelsau. Then

he would ask the Duke to allow him to see the King. If the Duke didn’t allow him to see the King in 24 hours, the Marshal would say that the King was dead and Princess Flavia would become the ruler حاكم of Ruritania.


Questions & answers

1-  When did Rassendyll realise that Rose Rassendyll was right when she said that a ‘position in society brings with it responsibility’?

- He realised she was right when he became the King of Ruritania. He realised that he had many responsibilities as a King.


2-  How would Rassendyll’s growing popularityشعبية متزايدة with the people of Ruritania help him?

- His growing popularity would make people forgive his occasional bad decisions.


3-  Rassendyll has never liked responsibilities. Now he has many. What responsibilities does he have?

- He has to act يتصرف like the King. He has to run يدير the country. He has to try to rescue ينقذ the real King from Michael. He has to meet very important people and hold important meetings. He has to sign يوقع علىvery important documents وثائق. He has to care about the poor people in his country


4-  What important news did Sapt tell Rassendyll about the King? How did he know such news?

- He told him that the King was at the Castle of Zenda. He asked where the rest of the Six Men were and found out that they were at the Castle guarding the King.


5-  Why does Sapt have Rassendyll followed everywhere? What does he mean by “If you disappear, the game’s over”?

- He has him followed to protect him from Michael’s men. If they can kill or kidnap Rassendyll, they will kill the real King and make Michael the King. Rassendyll’s game of pretending to be King would be over.


6-  What was Duke Michael’s plan to trap and kill Rassendyll?

- He ordered Antoinette de Mauban to write a letter to Rassendyll asking him to meet her at the summer house. Michael planned to send three of his men to kill Rassendyll there.


7-  If Michael’s plan to kill Rassendyll at the summer house succeeded, what would he do after that?

- Rassendyll’s body would be taken into the old town. Sapt and Fritz would be arrested for murdering Rassendyll. Then, Michael would send a message to Zenda and the real King would be killed too. Finally, the Duke would become the King.


8-  When Rassendyll talked to Detchard at the summer house, what did Detchard offer him in order to leave Ruritania?

- He offered to give him 50,000 English pounds and a safe journey to the border.


9-  What did the report of the police chief say?

- It said that Duke Michael left the capital to Zenda followed by three of his Six Men. The report also said that people believed that if the King and Princess Flavia didn’t marry soon, it would be better if the princess married Duke Michael.


10-   What mistake did Rudolf Rassendyll make while he was talking with Princess Flavia after the ball? Why was it a mistake?

- He made a mistake when he said that when he was young, he didn’t need to worry about society and that he thought that was someone else’s job. Flavia was very surprised as she thought he was the real King and he should have always known that he would become King. This was a mistake by Rassendyll because he almost uncovered the truth about who he was.


11-   The day after the ball, the Princess received two letters. What were they and who were they from?

- One was an invitation from Michael for her to visit him in Zenda. The other was a warning not to accept any invitations from Michael and not to go anywhere without many guards. It was from Antoinette de Mauban.


12-   What did Rassendyll ask Marshal Strakencz to do to protect Princes Flavia?

- He asked him to guard her and not to allow any of the Duke’s men to visit her. He also told him about the Duke’s ambition.


13-   What would Marshal Strakencz do if he didn’t get a message for three days from Rassendyll?

- He would have the authority السلطة to be the head of Strelsau. He had to ask the Duke to allow him to see the King. If he didn’t see the King in twenty-four hours, he had to say that the King was dead dead. Then he had to tell the people of Ruritania that their new ruler would be Princess Flavia.



1- “I can’t say. But think what your life means to the people of Ruritania.”

1- Who said this to whom?

- Princess Flavia said this to the King (Rudolf Rassendyll).

2- Where was this said?

- It was said at Princess Flavia’s palace.

3- What did the speaker mean when he/she said ‘I can’t say’?

- She could not say why the King should be careful. She knew that the King’s life was in danger because he had enemies who wanted to get rid of him.


2-  “You’ll probably stay there for ever if you do.”

 1- Who said this to whom?

- Colonel Sapt said this to Rudolf Rassendyll.

 2- What did the speaker mean when he said this?

- He meant that if Rudolf Rassendyll went to Zenda, Michael and his men would kill him.

 3- Why did the addressed person want to go to Zenda?

- He wanted to go there to rescue the King who was held prisoner there.


3-  “Do not show this letter to anyone or it will put a woman in great danger.”

1-  Who said this to whom?

- Antoinette de Mauban said this in her letter to Rassendyll.

2-  What kind of danger would the woman be in?

- Duke Michael will punish her.

3-  Where did the speaker want the addressed person to go? Why?

- She wanted him to meet her at a summer house in Strelsau to tell him something very important.


4-  “I also have a game to play. I’ll tell the Duke’s men that you never came. If the Duke doesn’t find out what I’ve done, we may meet again.”

1-  Who says this to whom?

- Antoinette de Mauban says this to Rassendyll.

2-  Where are they?

- They are in a summer house in a garden in Strelsau.

3-  What has the speaker done that the Duke shouldn’t find out?

- She has warned Rassendyll that they are trying to kill him, and has told him how to escape.


5-  “Every evening, I’ll send you a message. If you don’t get a message for three days, you have the authority to say that you are now the head of Strelsau.”

1-  Who says this to whom?

- “King” Rassendyll says this to Marshal Strakencz.

2-  When is this said?

- This is said the day after the ball, before Rassendyll goes to Zenda. / After the Duke invites the Princess to Zenda and Antoinette warns her to stay away.

3-  What other orders does the speaker give?

-    The Marshal must guard the Princess and not let Michael or his men near her. If the Marshal becomes the head of Strelsau, he must then go to the Duke and demand to see the King. If he doesn’t see the King in twenty-four hours, he must tell the people that the King is dead and make Princess Flavia the new ruler of Ruritania.


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