منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية

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منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
منتديات تعليمية
منتديات المعلم القدوة التعليمية
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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المديرة العامة
انثى عدد المساهمات : 15740
نقاط : 135508
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/01/2011
ملكة المنتدى ومصممته

انجليزى – chapter 3 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016 Empty انجليزى – chapter 3 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

الإثنين 07 ديسمبر 2015, 19:35
انجليزى – chapter 3 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016
انجليزى – chapter 3 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016

The Prisoner of Zenda

 Chapter 3


التجول في شوارع سترلسو  :Riding through the streets of Strelsau

.Dressed as the King of Ruritania, Rassendyll rode on through the streets of Strelsau towards the palace

 توقعات راسندل   :Rassendyll’s expectations

He expected that Antoinette de Mauban would call out and tell everybody that he was not the real King. But she didn’t call out. Perhaps she had not recognised him

تغيير الطريق      :Changing the route

Marshal Strakencz gave an order to his men to change route and enter the poor part of the town where the people were loyal to Duke Michael. He said that it would be better that way

.People in the poor part of the town supported Duke Michael
.Rassendyll thought that perhaps the Marshal was testing him

 :Riding alone through the streets of the old town

التجول في شوارع المدينة القديمة بمفرده

Rassendyll told the Marshall to order يأمرhis soldiers to ride ahead of him

Rassendyll wanted to ride alone through the streets of the old town. He wanted to show the people there that their King trusted them

رد فعل سابت و المشير    :Sapt’s and the Marshal’s reaction

.Sapt looked worried and shook his head

The Marshal looked surprised but gave the orders for his soldiers to go ahead , and Sapt’s face looked even more anxious

موقف سابت الصعب    :Sapt’s difficult position

.Rassendyll realised if he were killed in that part of town, Sapt’s position would become very difficult

شخص قوى الملاحظة   :A good observant

When Rassendyll rode alone through the streets of the old town, he realised how white, how clean his uniform seemed compared to the old buildings around him

Rassendyll was so close to the people in the poor area that he could easily hear what the people were saying about him

رد فعل الشعب    :People’s reaction

People were surprised to see the king (Rassendyll) on his own . Some people smiled and cheered but others were quiet and looked at Rassendyll angrily

.Rassendyll saw many paintings of the Duke in their windows and he knew what they thought of him
.Despite their anger, Rassendyll managed to reach the palace safely

التتويج     :The coronation 

It was time for the coronation and a group of soldiers led Rassendyll inside a beautiful building. There were so many people, but Rassendyll could remember Princess Flavia, a beautiful young woman with red hair and Duke Michael, a man with red cheeks , dark eyes and dark hair

When Duke Michael saw Rassendyll, his face became white. It seemed that he realized that Rassendyll was not the real king

What Rudolf Rassendyll could remember of the coronation later on was the golden crown being placed on his head, the promises he was asked to read out, the beautiful music that played when someone announced that Rudolf the Fifth was King of Ruritania and being greeted by Duke Michael whose hands shook with anger
However , no one else, not even Princess Flavia, seemed to realise that he was not the real King

 تحية الضيوف   :Greeting guests

Rassendyll stood in the palace for an hour greeting many ambassadors and important people who came to see him.

.He was worried when he saw Lord Topham from England, but the man’s eyes were too poor to recognize him

التجول في الشوارع في عربة تجرها الخيول     :Going in a coach around the streets

.It was time for Rassendyll to go in a coach around the streets with Princess Flavia

Princess Flavia said that the King (Rassendyll) looked different that day. He looked tired and serious and he was thinner. She couldn’t believe that he really had changed. She said that she was surprised to know that he rode alone through the old town and that people must really have appreciated what he had done

  رأى فريتز     :Fritz’s opinion

Fritz believed that it was not a good idea for Rassendyll to ride alone through the old town. Duke Michael wouldn’t like it if the King became popular with his people

الخروج من القصر    :Getting out of the palace

.Rassendyll couldn’t leave the city without a permit from the King

Colonel Sapt asked Rassendyll to copy the King’s signature on a form.  Rassendyll refused to do that, so Colonel Sapt copied the King’s signature

.Sapt told Fritz to guard the King’s bedroom and prevent anyone from getting in even if it were Duke Michael himself

He also told him to tell everyone that the King had gone to bed and that he was not to be woken by anybody until nine o’clock the next day

.Sapt and Rassendyll left the palace through a secret door in the wall which led to a dark passage

Rassendyll followed Sapt down the long, dark passage which ended in a heavy wooden door. Sapt unlocked it and they went out into a quiet street which ran along the back of the palace gardens

A man was waiting for them with two horses. They climbed onto the horses and rode away taking the quiet back streets

.Rassendyll tried to stay low on the horse so no one would recognise him

عند بوابة المدينة    :At the city gate

.At the city gate, the guard was not there and the gate was closed

.Sapt gave the guard’s daughter a form from the King and a coin . The girl gave Sapt the key and they left the city

.Nearly everyone in the city was in the streets celebrating the coronation, so there was little danger

.They stopped at an inn so that their horses could have a drink

في الطريق إلى البيت الريفي  :On the way to the hunting lodge

.Sapt and Rassendyll were going to the hunting lodge to bring back the King

.Far behind them they could hear the noise of some horses coming towards them

.They could hear them because the wind was blowing towards them

Sapt get off his horse and put his ear to the ground. He could hear the noise of two horses

.They reached the forest of Zenda and stopped at a fork in the road

They hid in dark trees to see who was coming behind them. They saw Duke Michael and Max Holf, brother to Johann who Rassendyll had seen at the inn

.Duke Michael and Max Holf were going to the Castle of Zenda

.Sapt could have shot Duke Michael, but he realised it wouldn’t have helped the King at that time

 كل الأمور على ما يرام      :All is well

.’Duke Michael and Max Holf received a message that ‘all was well

.The Duke’s men killed Josef, the King’s servant, and kidnapped the King and took him to the Castle of Zenda

الوصول إلى المنزل الريفي        :Arriving at the hunting lodge

Sapt and Rassendyll arrived at the hunting lodge. Sapt found some dirty torn handkerchiefs which he used to tie up Johann’s mother. Duke Michael’s men freed the woman

.They also found Josef’s body. They thought that it was Johann’s mother who told Michael’s men what had happened

 العودة إلى سترلسو      :Going back to Strelsau

.Sapt and Rassendyll decided to go back and collect every soldier in Strelsau to catch Michael before killing the King

.They went back to Strelsau to continue with the game they started

.Rassendyll agreed to continue pretending that he was the King

Questions & Answers

    ?How did Rudolf Rassendyll try to improve the King’s image in the minds of poor people

On his way to the palace, he insisted on riding through the poor area of the city alone so that people would see that he trusted them and cared about them


?Did Michael realise that Rassendyll was not the real King? How do you know

  – Yes, Michael knew Rassendyll was not the real King. He thought that the King was poisoned and still in Zenda. Also, the Duke’s men kidnapped the King from the hunting lodge


?According to Flavia, how did the King (Rudolf Rassendyll) look different on the day of coronation

  .She thought he looked more tired and serious . She couldn’t believe that he had really changed

?Why could Sapt and Rassendyll hear the people coming behind them

.Because the wind was blowing towards them


?What do you think the message “all is well” means

.It means that the King was kidnapped from the hunting lodge and locked in the castle of Zenda

?What did Sapt and Rudolf find when they reached the hunting lodge

  They found that it was dark and quiet and no one came out to meet them. The King was kidnapped and Josef was killed


?What did Sapt ask Rassendyll to do after they discovered that the King had been kidnapped

 .He asked him to continue to pretend to be the King as he had another plan to save the King


Tell your soldiers to ride ahead of me. I don’t need them or you. You can wait here until I’ve continued through the old town alone

?Who says this to whom

 .Rassendyll says this to Marshal Strakencz


?Where are they and when is this

.They are in the streets of Strelsau, going from the station to the coronation . This is before the coronation

?Why does the speaker say this

   .He wants to act as a king He wants the people to know that he trusts them

 You look different today. You look more tired and serious, and I think you’re thinner. I can’t believe that you really have changed today

?Who said this to whom

  .(Princess Flavia said this to the king (Rudolf Rassendyll

?In what way did the addressed person look different

  .He looked more tired and serious . She thought he was thinner

?Did the speaker recognize the addressed person? Why? Why not

  .No, she didn’t because Rudolf Rassendyll looked exactly like the King of Ruritania

You mustn’t try too hard. I’m not sure it was a good idea to ride alone through the old town. Duke Michael won’t like it if you become too popular with his people, you know

?Who says this to whom

.Fritz says this to Rassendyll

?Where and when is this said

.They are in the King’s bedroom after the coronation

Why did the person ride alone through the old town and why won’t Duke Michael like it if the person becomes too popular

    He wanted to act like a real king and show that he trusted  the people. Duke Michael won’t like it because if he tries to become King, the people will probably support him. But if the King (Rassendyll) becomes popular, it will be harder for Michael to get the support of the people

  “.My father is not here, I’m afraid. He’s gone to see the King”

?Who said this to whom

 .The little girl whose father guarded the city gate said this to Colonel Sapt

?What was the duty of the person’s father

.It was to prevent anyone from going through the gate without the King’s permit

?Where was the addressed person going

.He was going to the hunting lodge with Rudolf Rassendyll

 “If all’s well, why go there? And if all isn’t well, I fear there’ll be a trap

?Who says this to whom

  .Max Holt says this to Duke Michael

?Where are they

 .They are on the road between Strelsau and Zenda or on the way to Zenda

?What is “there”? What do you think he means by “all’s well”

   “There” means the hunting lodge. “All’s well” probably means that the Duke’s plan has gone ahead  and that the King is kidnapped

  “!We’ll go back to Strelsau. The King will be back in the capital again tomorrow”

?Who says this to whom

.Sapt says this to Rassendyll

?Where are they and what has happened

  .They are in the hunting lodge near Zenda. They have found Josef dead and the King is gone

?How will the King be back in the capital tomorrow

    .Rassendyll will continue to pretend to be the King. Sapt wants Rassendyll to continue to pretend to be the King

:Find the mistake in each sentence and correct it

.People in the poor part of the town were disloyal  to Duke Michael

     .People in the poor part of the town were loyal to Duke Michael

.Rassendyll rode in a horse with Princess Flavia

       .Rassendyll rode in a coach with Princess Flavia

.Lord Topham that Rassendyll was not the real King

       .Duke Michael knew that Rassendyll was not the real King

.Lord Topham’ eyes were too sharp to recognize Rassendyll

      .Lord Topham’ eyes were too poor to recognize Rassendyll

.Sapt and Rassendyll went to the palace to bring back the King

       .Sapt and Rassendyll went to the hunting lodge to bring back the King

:Choose the correct answer

(People in the part of the town supported (the king- Duke Michael- Sapt

.Princess (Flavia – Antoinet- Amelia) said that Rudolf looked different but she thought he was the real King

.People were (angry- happy- surprised) to see the king (Rassendyll) on his own

.Josef- Max HolfJohanne) rode with Duke Michael from Strelsau)

.Max Holf was brother to (Josef- JohannMax Holf) who Rassendyll had seen at the inn

.Sapt found torn and dirty (handkerchiefs – shirts- rope) on the ground

.Max Holf- Josef- Johanne) was killed by Duke Michael’s men)

.Johann’s mother is freed by Duke (Duke Michael’s – Sapt’s- the king’s) men

.It was (Josef’s motherJohann’s mother- Fritz’s mpther) who told Michael’s men what had happened

.Rassendyll and (Sapt – Fritz- Rudolf) went back to Strelsau to continue with the game they started

انجليزى – chapter 3 للصف الثالث الثانوى 2016
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